Wednesday, 20 February 2013

India may cut the Internet connection?

Have you ever wondered how a country would be difficult to disconnect all connections to the Internet? If you think that the threat of dictatorship or civil war will suffer the most in the country, let me tell you that prefer peace enough to cut the Internet in democracy are in danger.
Take the case of India. 'Internet connectivity' research on the Internet to cut as much risk, beyond the control of the government in the shadows of tribal leaders in Afghanistan, as well as here.
But how? In 2012, Libya, Egypt and Syria click cut the Internet connection after 'Renesis' institution of the connections in all countries of the world are researching the possibility of cuts.
'Renesis' government or muscle cutting capacity on the Internet, but also connecting wire from the Internet Service Providers (ISP Global) depends on.
Global ISP will be much less than the risk, because the way the Internet will clamp it together to make them disappear.

How much danger to India?

"Iran 100 ISP, but less than 10 of these are connected to the world, so too is the risk of cutting their prevention and the Internet."
Jim Kovi, chief technical officer, 'Renesis'
In countries where the Renesis is very complicated and advanced satellite network, the Internet is more vulnerable to cuts.
'Renesis' Kovi's chief technical officer Jim told the BBC, "100 ISPs in Iran, but fewer than 10 of these are connected to the world, thus preventing the risk of cutting hair is too much.,"
The USA, Canada, Australia and Russia, not only in countries that are at risk. There are 40 more than the global ISP, the Internet is not completely off if possible.
And in India? 'Renesis' compared with the rest of the world is at risk because of the Internet in India to prevent global ISP from 10 to 40, all of them are locked together can take several days to.
But there is less danger in Afghanistan. Less government control in Afghanistan, Uzbek, Iranian and Pakistani borders crossing more likely to reach the Internet. This may take several days to cut together the whole internet.

Where will cut full internet connection?

"China's ISP specializes in preventing the world's information, the government does not listen to such a company, it is difficult to believe this."
Adam Segal, China cyber - security expert
'Renesis' Internet in the European country of Belarus is too much risk of being bitten.
There is a government of Belarus ISP Telecom Company combines the world, it can be turned off via the internet to the whole country.
The postcode is no secret that the public must have the internet to work. Belarus is the postcode 6697.
The 'Renesis' The Internet in China is at risk of being bitten. Xinjiang province of China in the years 2009 and 2010, the Internet was disconnected.
'Renesis' indicates that several independent companies in China on the Internet is working hard to try and click difficult for the Chinese government is.
But in China, cyber - security expert Adam Segal have different opinions. He says, "China's ISP specializes in preventing the world's information, the government does not listen to such a company, it is hard to believe."
Segal said China wants to convey the message to the world that his country is no restrain on the Internet, so that if necessary, but the pace is very slow to close the Internet as there image.

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